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Faith Formation Tuition Payments

Please complete the appropriate form below for each child. If your tuition payments total more than $100, simply skip down to FORM C.


(Maximum amount per family is $100 per year)


  • $40 per student, or $60 in sacrament year

  • $100 for three or more children in the same family, including any children in sacrament year


SKD Faith Formation - Tuition
1 Child - Non-sacrament Year

Complete one form per child (non-sacrament year) unless the TOTAL TUITION for all children exceeds $100. If so, then skip to FORM C. Fields with * are required.


SKD Faith Formation - Tuition
1 Child - Sacrament Year
(1st Communion or Confirmation)

Complete one form per child (sacrament year) unless the TOTAL TUITION for all children exceeds $100. If so, then skip to FORM C. Fields with * are required.

Indicate which sacrament


SKD Faith Formation
Maximum Tuition
(includes non-sacrament and sacrament years)

Complete one form per family if total of individual amounts exceeds $100. Your tuition total is $100. Fields with * are required.

Child 1 Sacrament?
Child 2 Sacrament?
Child 3 Sacrament?
Child 4 Sacrament?
Child 5 Sacrament?
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