Mass Intention Policy
As of December 2019
Requesting a Mass Intention?
The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful part of our Catholic tradition. In order to accommodate the many requests for Mass intentions in accord with Canon Law and Diocesan policy, the following is St. Katharine Drexel’s policy:
A request may be made for a deceased person, a living person who is sick, a living person celebrating a birthday or anniversary, in thanksgiving, or an intention fitting to the Eucharistic celebration. (vocations, world peace, etc.)
Requests for Mass intentions will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis.
Mass intentions can be scheduled up to one year in advance.
Only one intention can be offered for each Sunday Mass. Multiple intentions are allowed at the Vigil Mass every Saturday.
Each weekend one Mass must be offered for All Parishioners.
No Mass intentions are booked on Holy Days and no Mass intentions are booked in November. Reserved for All Souls.
A maximum of 6 single Mass intentions can be requested for any one intention in a given year.
Suggested offering is $10 per intention.
Every effort will be made to publish the desired Mass in the current bulletin and mentioned in the Prayers of the Faithful at the Mass.
The person requesting a Mass intention may ask for a card that they can send to notify the person that the Mass intention has been offered.